

CategoryFull NameOrganization/Institution Email address Telephone Number Website GPS Location or Ghana Post Address
Business Consulting Firm Daniel Ababio Ernst and Young daniel.ababio@gh.ey.com 233243482716
Environmental Consultants Ing. Israel Boakye Acheampong Africa Environemntal Snaitation Consult ibacheampong@afesconsult.com 233243478013/+233501455104 www.afesconsult.com
Governmental Agency Adam Mohammed Gadaf National Board for Small Scale Industries (NBSSI) jnranyway@gmail.com 0243241702/0200798025 www.nbssi.gov.gh NS-029-8675
Private sector organization Raymond Okrofu SAFI SANA GHANA LIMITED dontity@yahoo.com raymond@safisana.org 233244852397 www.safisana.org
Property and Cars Marketing Agency Daniel Asare Tettey Mendak Marketing Consult tadanielministries@gmail.com 0208424317
Sanitation Entrepreneur Patricia Gyan-Bassaw Dais Multi Limited info.daismulti@gmail.com 0555691876 NSO49 Choggu Manayili, Sagnerigu Disttrict, Northern Region
Social Impact Firm Shirley Quaye Growth Mosaic shirley.quaye@growthmosaic.com 0505764662 P.O. Box CT10889
Waste Collector & Transporter Immanuel B. Nartey-Tokoli Jekora Ventures Ltd ibnt@jekoraventures.com / info@jekoraventures.com +233 20 817 1111 /+233 28 9673514 /+233 20 546 2010 www.jekoraventures.com GA-072-4690
Water and Beverage manufacturer Samuel Yeboah Asiama Voltic Gh limited SYeboah@ccbagroup.com 0246833448 www.volticghana.com
AssociationLouisa KabobahGhana Recycling Initiative by Private Enterprises (GRIPE)lkabobah@thegripe.org020 47 87 887https://thegripe.org/